For a detailed write-up of this trip, please head over to Phil's blog, and I am sure also Steven will soon let us know how he liked the trip. I will simply post some photos and write some short sentence under them, in case they shouldn't be clear...

Phil is ready to ride.

Shortcut over the tracks.

View from Camp 1.

Enjoying the fire.

Phil teasing the fish with his tenkara gear.

Campsite 2.

Peekaboo in the laavu, catching Steven being social ;)


"High mountain lake"

More walking.

Are we there yet?

Getting closer to the goal.

Steven using the Bushcooker LT 1 the first time.

Dancing bear pose by Phil.


Camp 3.

Phil doing the dishes.

How can people go camping and not have a campfire?

25 km to the goal.

A future packrafting adventure?!

Balancing over duckboards.

"I got wet feet!"

"So this is where we are now, and then we should go there and take a left and uphill and over that river pass by that lake..."

The End.