
Concerning lightpackers
This story is largely concerned with lightpackers, and the reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history. Lightpackers are an unobtrusive people, with small backpacks of surprisingly fine materials and light weight. They love to walk in the outdoors, and know their way through the wilds. They like to keep their trail life and gear simple, and shy away from what they call the "Ultra Heavy" backpackers.
Six of these lightpackers set out on a quest to forge a fellowship and walk the wild lands of Vålådalen, enjoying camaraderie on the trail and around the campfire. Like many other backpackers, they enjoy a hearty meal and firewater, the wide views from mountain tops and the sound of rivers. The sound of hooting owls and ptarmigans flying through their camp, reindeers eyeing them cautiously and mountain hares running away were sights to be enjoyed in this remote area, and made them smile.

Example of Ultra Heavy backpackers, staying in huts, mind you.
A Long-Expected Party
When Legolas of Finland announced that he would be searching the companionship of fellow nordic lightpackers with a hike of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement. Five fellow lightpackers were invited, Gimli from Denmark, Aragorn and Gandalf as well as Merry from Sweden and Pippin from Norway.
Much preparation went into this party, and the six heros of this tale spent countless hours planning and communicating about their journey. Merry went to great lengths to acquire fine rucksacks and walking poles made by Gossamer Gear, while Aragorn and Gandalf brought a stealthy home away from home. Merry and Pippin welcomed the days in their yellow shelters while Legolas' shelter was the same colour as the sky, and his rucksack was made of the lightest & blackest threads from a much sought after southern craftsman.

Six Is Company
"You ought to go quietly, and you ought to go soon," said Gandalf. But the party made no sign of getting ready to leave the trailhead, where they were repacking their backpacks. To tell the truth, they were very reluctant to start - the sky was grey and the clouds were full of water, and the comfort of a warm building seemed a more desirable residence. After much deliberating the party left the trailhead, and walked off into the wild.

"I have been so taken up with the thoughts of leaving the trailhead hat I never even considered the direction," said Legolas, and Gimli and Pippin agreed. "For where are we to go? And by what shall we steer?" Gandalf calmed down the three, and together with Merry and Aragorn explained that they shall take the lead on this journey. "We travelled these lands before, thus do not worry" he told them, and they relaxed.

The Old Forest
After walking for an hour, they approached the first ford which brought them away from the path. For Legolas this was the first time to ford a river of such width, and after watching Gandalf cross it without problems he and the rest of the group followed him. The fast flowing, cold river made their feet numb, and after a short stroll to warm up they sat down and had lunch - an important element for the group, to refuel and exchange thoughts.

Strengthened the group continued, through smaller fords until they reached the shore of the mighty Vålån river. They stayed on the same side of the river and followed it up, passing majestic falls and fast rapids. They followed old game trails where there was a possibility to follow them, and kept the river to their right. Tea was had, and little breaks to regroup - some could not keep up with the long-legged Swedes, needing to take two steps where a Swede took one.

In The House Of Tom Bombadil
And with that the six lightpackers arrived at their first campsite, and stood still, looking for places to pitch their shelters. They were in a long swamp and boulder area along the mighty Vålån river. After searching for a while, each of our six heros found a comfortable place to sleep, and soon they gathered around the hearty fire which Legolas and Gandalf started. Meals were prepared and firewater made the round. Lively conversations were had till the fire nearly went out, and also the last ones retired to their shelters.
In the next morning Gandalf came knocking on the porches of the members of the Fellowship, he already had the fire going and was waiting with breakfast for the others. The Fellowship ate and after packing up continued their journey, looking back on the fire and trees which gave them warmth and comfort from the rain. The day was wet, from beneath and above, and the group continued upwards, towards the mountains, where snow still covered their paths and reindeers eyed them cautiously.

Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

After a welcomed, sheltered break besides a warm oven the Fellowship continued its trek, even further up the fjell. A final ford of deep cold water later the group reached the desolate plateau. The barren land was unfriendly, the strong wind sweeping over it with no place to hide from it. Before long, the group descended to the valley, where a long forgotten King's hunting lodge was located, but the ruin was not welcoming and so they continued further down the valley, towards the protection the forest would give them.

Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

Aragorn and Legolas discussed till late in the night around the campfire, and only the hooting of owls - a sign that the day had changed - made them depart to their shelters. In the morning Gandalf again woke them up, waiting with a breakfast and fire for them. While there were no planned fordings this day, a flood had covered the trail in water and so the Fellowship again walked with wet feet. Their goal within their mental sight, the weather started to change. The clouds were blown apart, and the sun came for the first time out during their trek.

Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

Their Spirits lifted, they forgot their hard task ahead - to bring the knowledge of lightpacking towards the north - and enjoyed the sun shining down on them. Under the blue sky our heros continued towards their goal, a small inn with a steam room and a good ale. Forgotten their worries of rain and greyness these last days, a Fellowship was born.

Concerning lightpackers
This story is largely concerned with lightpackers, and the reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history. Lightpackers are an unobtrusive people, with small backpacks of surprisingly fine materials and light weight. They love to walk in the outdoors, and know their way through the wilds. They like to keep their trail life and gear simple, and shy away from what they call the "Ultra Heavy" backpackers.
Six of these lightpackers set out on a quest to forge a fellowship and walk the wild lands of Vålådalen, enjoying camaraderie on the trail and around the campfire. Like many other backpackers, they enjoy a hearty meal and firewater, the wide views from mountain tops and the sound of rivers. The sound of hooting owls and ptarmigans flying through their camp, reindeers eyeing them cautiously and mountain hares running away were sights to be enjoyed in this remote area, and made them smile.

Example of Ultra Heavy backpackers, staying in huts, mind you.
A Long-Expected Party
When Legolas of Finland announced that he would be searching the companionship of fellow nordic lightpackers with a hike of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement. Five fellow lightpackers were invited, Gimli from Denmark, Aragorn and Gandalf as well as Merry from Sweden and Pippin from Norway.
Much preparation went into this party, and the six heros of this tale spent countless hours planning and communicating about their journey. Merry went to great lengths to acquire fine rucksacks and walking poles made by Gossamer Gear, while Aragorn and Gandalf brought a stealthy home away from home. Merry and Pippin welcomed the days in their yellow shelters while Legolas' shelter was the same colour as the sky, and his rucksack was made of the lightest & blackest threads from a much sought after southern craftsman.

Six Is Company
"You ought to go quietly, and you ought to go soon," said Gandalf. But the party made no sign of getting ready to leave the trailhead, where they were repacking their backpacks. To tell the truth, they were very reluctant to start - the sky was grey and the clouds were full of water, and the comfort of a warm building seemed a more desirable residence. After much deliberating the party left the trailhead, and walked off into the wild.

"I have been so taken up with the thoughts of leaving the trailhead hat I never even considered the direction," said Legolas, and Gimli and Pippin agreed. "For where are we to go? And by what shall we steer?" Gandalf calmed down the three, and together with Merry and Aragorn explained that they shall take the lead on this journey. "We travelled these lands before, thus do not worry" he told them, and they relaxed.

The Old Forest
After walking for an hour, they approached the first ford which brought them away from the path. For Legolas this was the first time to ford a river of such width, and after watching Gandalf cross it without problems he and the rest of the group followed him. The fast flowing, cold river made their feet numb, and after a short stroll to warm up they sat down and had lunch - an important element for the group, to refuel and exchange thoughts.

Strengthened the group continued, through smaller fords until they reached the shore of the mighty Vålån river. They stayed on the same side of the river and followed it up, passing majestic falls and fast rapids. They followed old game trails where there was a possibility to follow them, and kept the river to their right. Tea was had, and little breaks to regroup - some could not keep up with the long-legged Swedes, needing to take two steps where a Swede took one.

"Now let the song begin! let us sing together
Of sun, stars, moon and mist, rain and cloudy weather
Light on the budding leaf, dew on the bivy,
Wind on the open hills, bells on the heather,
Reeds by the shady pool, lilies on the water."

In The House Of Tom Bombadil
And with that the six lightpackers arrived at their first campsite, and stood still, looking for places to pitch their shelters. They were in a long swamp and boulder area along the mighty Vålån river. After searching for a while, each of our six heros found a comfortable place to sleep, and soon they gathered around the hearty fire which Legolas and Gandalf started. Meals were prepared and firewater made the round. Lively conversations were had till the fire nearly went out, and also the last ones retired to their shelters.
In the next morning Gandalf came knocking on the porches of the members of the Fellowship, he already had the fire going and was waiting with breakfast for the others. The Fellowship ate and after packing up continued their journey, looking back on the fire and trees which gave them warmth and comfort from the rain. The day was wet, from beneath and above, and the group continued upwards, towards the mountains, where snow still covered their paths and reindeers eyed them cautiously.

Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

After a welcomed, sheltered break besides a warm oven the Fellowship continued its trek, even further up the fjell. A final ford of deep cold water later the group reached the desolate plateau. The barren land was unfriendly, the strong wind sweeping over it with no place to hide from it. Before long, the group descended to the valley, where a long forgotten King's hunting lodge was located, but the ruin was not welcoming and so they continued further down the valley, towards the protection the forest would give them.
Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

Aragorn and Legolas discussed till late in the night around the campfire, and only the hooting of owls - a sign that the day had changed - made them depart to their shelters. In the morning Gandalf again woke them up, waiting with a breakfast and fire for them. While there were no planned fordings this day, a flood had covered the trail in water and so the Fellowship again walked with wet feet. Their goal within their mental sight, the weather started to change. The clouds were blown apart, and the sun came for the first time out during their trek.
Courtesy of Joe Newton / Thunder In the Night

Their Spirits lifted, they forgot their hard task ahead - to bring the knowledge of lightpacking towards the north - and enjoyed the sun shining down on them. Under the blue sky our heros continued towards their goal, a small inn with a steam room and a good ale. Forgotten their worries of rain and greyness these last days, a Fellowship was born.