As you likely have noticed, the amount of posts has gone down a bit in the last months. Reason is simply that my business takes a lot of time at the moment, and with upcoming life changes in August time will be even more limited. Time to sit back, and outline what will happen here over the next months.

First and foremost, I will start an education to become a wilderness guide in mid-August. It is a ten months, full-time education and besides learning in the classroom expeditions are part of the curriculum. A two week autumn expedition to north-eastern Russia, a two week solo skiing expedition in Lapland in winter, a canoe expedition and other trips will certainly teach me new skills and make a superb basis to show how far ultralight gear can go. I aim to use UL gear for this education, and show that one doesn't need 80l backpacks and bombproof gear. Also, I will be running my company at the same time, so I will be very busy and might not always find the time to write interesting and exciting posts. The aim with this course is to have the skills, knowledge and legal requirements to offer [UL] courses in the future - but that is so far off that I will tell about this at another time!
Ultralight from A - Z is a new video series I am working on. In this 26 part series I am going to explain Ultralight backpacking from A to Z in a video for each letter, from skills to gear and philosophy I am hoping to explain ultralight backpacking it in an easy and understandable manner. It will start in the autumn, so stay tuned!
In the Gear Reviews department I have a steady pipeline of new and exciting gear to test and tell you about. I hope to be able to write a gear article a week, it is just about finding the time.
Trip Reports are still what I love best, and I aim to tell and show you more about the beautiful Finnish landscapes which I enjoy so much. The expeditions will be covered as well, so there should be a few very interesting reports coming up.
Advertising. You might have seen the box on the right, this is an experiment I am trying at the moment - I saw it on sectionhiker's blog and decided to try it out myself. It helps to pay for trips & running the website, but will have no influence on the content. If I find it doesn't work or is not worth the trouble, I will remove it. Also the Donate button on the About page is there for the same idea - content will remain free, but for those who would like to give there is now the opportunity.
Interviews. With already 23 interviews on this site one might think I ran out of interesting people to talk to. Well, that is not the case and I have over half a dozen interviews in the pipeline at the moment, so that is a good reason to become a Follower or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay tuned and up-to-date!

That are my plans for the near future. I would like to thank you all for reading and commenting, it is very rewarding to see that so much people enjoy the site, it keeps me motivated to produce top-notch content. I am looking forward to you questions, comments and observations =)

First and foremost, I will start an education to become a wilderness guide in mid-August. It is a ten months, full-time education and besides learning in the classroom expeditions are part of the curriculum. A two week autumn expedition to north-eastern Russia, a two week solo skiing expedition in Lapland in winter, a canoe expedition and other trips will certainly teach me new skills and make a superb basis to show how far ultralight gear can go. I aim to use UL gear for this education, and show that one doesn't need 80l backpacks and bombproof gear. Also, I will be running my company at the same time, so I will be very busy and might not always find the time to write interesting and exciting posts. The aim with this course is to have the skills, knowledge and legal requirements to offer [UL] courses in the future - but that is so far off that I will tell about this at another time!
Ultralight from A - Z is a new video series I am working on. In this 26 part series I am going to explain Ultralight backpacking from A to Z in a video for each letter, from skills to gear and philosophy I am hoping to explain ultralight backpacking it in an easy and understandable manner. It will start in the autumn, so stay tuned!
In the Gear Reviews department I have a steady pipeline of new and exciting gear to test and tell you about. I hope to be able to write a gear article a week, it is just about finding the time.
Trip Reports are still what I love best, and I aim to tell and show you more about the beautiful Finnish landscapes which I enjoy so much. The expeditions will be covered as well, so there should be a few very interesting reports coming up.
Advertising. You might have seen the box on the right, this is an experiment I am trying at the moment - I saw it on sectionhiker's blog and decided to try it out myself. It helps to pay for trips & running the website, but will have no influence on the content. If I find it doesn't work or is not worth the trouble, I will remove it. Also the Donate button on the About page is there for the same idea - content will remain free, but for those who would like to give there is now the opportunity.
Interviews. With already 23 interviews on this site one might think I ran out of interesting people to talk to. Well, that is not the case and I have over half a dozen interviews in the pipeline at the moment, so that is a good reason to become a Follower or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay tuned and up-to-date!

That are my plans for the near future. I would like to thank you all for reading and commenting, it is very rewarding to see that so much people enjoy the site, it keeps me motivated to produce top-notch content. I am looking forward to you questions, comments and observations =)