19°C Spring Heatwave. Red rubber boat.
News & Various:
Tom wrote The Hiker's Guide to Twitter. Yeah, you should check that one out.
Tim and Robins keep us in the loop on Outdoor Gear Give-a-ways and Contests.
The Appalachian Mountain Club gives us The Long and Short of Synthetic Insulation.
Fly Fishing Mystery Theater video.
Mark wants to know Who is the lamest of them all...?

Gear Addicts Confess:
Dave gives us an update on his North Fork pack, which is a brief treatise on pack design and construction.
Chris Townsend wrote and article about Colin Ibbotson’s Tramplite backpacks, and asks "Is this the future of ultralight backpacks?". On Chris' blog there are more photos.
I know you love gear and reading pack lists. Thus head over to Skywalker & Mee's Gear List for the John Muir Trail.
Ross enlightens us about the gear of George Washington Sears aka Nessmuk.
I had fun with Sanpo's CF Stove, a new alcohol stove from Japan.
The Jolly Green Giant found a lightweight water filter.
Don did some magic Caldera Cone Packing, though Sam's comment rang true with me =)
Nick shares a list and his thoughts on the gear used on his Carn an Righ Wild Camp.
Dondo shares his first impressions on the Exped Synmat UL7.
Ryan has pants for the long haul.
Leki CorkLite Aergon Speedlock Trekking Poles video by Chad.
A minute to pray, a second to die.
Charlie reviews the Inov-8 Bare Grip 200.

Self portrait while packrafting.
People who actually go out hiking:
Shrubbery, decent trails, a deer and a terrorist. Dave's adventure on the Pasayten.
Adam shares superb photos from Denali National Park with us.
Alan hiked from Moffat to Peebles. Lovely dawn and big horns!
The Coastrider rides on the Berwickshire Coastline.
The Rambling Hikers give Scafell Pike a second chance.
terrybnd had a revelation in the Upper Derwent Valley
Marcel started to write up his E5 hike.
Perkunas had an easy Easter, showing the beauty of the Finnish landscape in Spring.
Alan Sloman and friends didn't see a single wind mill. Not sure if they're disappointed or relieved ;)
Roger took out his Backcountry Boiler from Röstånga to Klövahallar.
PTC wakes up in the freezing cold to take fine photos for us.
Spring in Northern Ireland looks fine! Also Richard took his Backcountry Boiler for a spin. And some radio stuff which I don't understand anything about.
John and Liz visited Standing Bear Farm, an awesome looking hiker hostel.
Thomas and Carolin visited the Hardangervidda and skied from Finse to Haukeliseter. An epic winter adventure which you should check out.
Red rocks. Yellow flowers. Dog. Bike. Sunshine.Red flowers. Bare trees. Purple flowers.
James, on the other hand, went backpacking the far western Yorkshire Dales.
Karl hiked the Cumbria way.
James went for a solo Lochaber Traverse.
Remember, if you enjoyed this post, Flattr it!
News & Various:
Tom wrote The Hiker's Guide to Twitter. Yeah, you should check that one out.
Tim and Robins keep us in the loop on Outdoor Gear Give-a-ways and Contests.
The Appalachian Mountain Club gives us The Long and Short of Synthetic Insulation.
Fly Fishing Mystery Theater video.
Mark wants to know Who is the lamest of them all...?

Gear Addicts Confess:
Dave gives us an update on his North Fork pack, which is a brief treatise on pack design and construction.
Chris Townsend wrote and article about Colin Ibbotson’s Tramplite backpacks, and asks "Is this the future of ultralight backpacks?". On Chris' blog there are more photos.
I know you love gear and reading pack lists. Thus head over to Skywalker & Mee's Gear List for the John Muir Trail.
Ross enlightens us about the gear of George Washington Sears aka Nessmuk.
I had fun with Sanpo's CF Stove, a new alcohol stove from Japan.
The Jolly Green Giant found a lightweight water filter.
Don did some magic Caldera Cone Packing, though Sam's comment rang true with me =)
Nick shares a list and his thoughts on the gear used on his Carn an Righ Wild Camp.
Dondo shares his first impressions on the Exped Synmat UL7.
Ryan has pants for the long haul.
Leki CorkLite Aergon Speedlock Trekking Poles video by Chad.
A minute to pray, a second to die.
Charlie reviews the Inov-8 Bare Grip 200.

Self portrait while packrafting.
People who actually go out hiking:
Shrubbery, decent trails, a deer and a terrorist. Dave's adventure on the Pasayten.
Adam shares superb photos from Denali National Park with us.
Alan hiked from Moffat to Peebles. Lovely dawn and big horns!
The Coastrider rides on the Berwickshire Coastline.
The Rambling Hikers give Scafell Pike a second chance.
terrybnd had a revelation in the Upper Derwent Valley
Marcel started to write up his E5 hike.
Perkunas had an easy Easter, showing the beauty of the Finnish landscape in Spring.
Alan Sloman and friends didn't see a single wind mill. Not sure if they're disappointed or relieved ;)
Roger took out his Backcountry Boiler from Röstånga to Klövahallar.
PTC wakes up in the freezing cold to take fine photos for us.
Spring in Northern Ireland looks fine! Also Richard took his Backcountry Boiler for a spin. And some radio stuff which I don't understand anything about.
John and Liz visited Standing Bear Farm, an awesome looking hiker hostel.
Thomas and Carolin visited the Hardangervidda and skied from Finse to Haukeliseter. An epic winter adventure which you should check out.
Red rocks. Yellow flowers. Dog. Bike. Sunshine.Red flowers. Bare trees. Purple flowers.
James, on the other hand, went backpacking the far western Yorkshire Dales.
Karl hiked the Cumbria way.
James went for a solo Lochaber Traverse.
Remember, if you enjoyed this post, Flattr it!