Dear Santa,
you know, there's two materials ultralight backpackers fancy beyond any others: cuben and titanium. Titanium is a wonderfully light metal, and all my friends have a titanium cup and pot. Some even use their cups as pots, true multipurpose thinking there, and as a real UL backpacker usually eats out of freezer bags and needs the pot for boiling water only, I think it would be ace if you'd bring me a SnowPeak 600 Double Wall Titanium Cup from Bergfreunde. I could first use it to boil water, pour half of it in my freezer bag and use the rest for a fine, warm cup of coffee! It should keep my coffee nice warm even in minus temperatures, and cleaning it should be easy as pie. It also looks great, so I'd appreciate if you think of me when you make the purchase decisions for my presents.
- An aspiring UL-Backpacker

Leave a photo of your current cup. You might use it as a pot. But it should be a cup =)
Thanks everyone. Yes, indeed, you shouldn't use a double walled cup above direct heat. So the winner shouldn't do that, OK? So no boiling water in it, no cheese fondue, no simmering, NADA. ¿Entiendes?
And the winner is... Toni Lund - Congratulations! Please contact me via Email, you got till tomorrow 15 o'clock to get in touch otherwise it goes to the second in line! Thanks everyone else, see you tomorrow at 6 AM!
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