Hiking in Finland

Climbing, bikepacking, skiing & packrafting in the north

Advent Calendar - Door V


Dear Santa,

Smartphones are wonderful. While one shouldn’t rely on them for navigation, they can assist with finding the right street out of the town to the trail, and snap photos and share them with friends and family while out hiking. Things get a bit more complicated if it is raining and snowing, though thanks to some splendid research I now know how to keep my smartphone dry: With a SealLine E-Case! The eSeries 8 Case would be perfect for my phone, and either green or orange would be my prefered colour choices.

Dry gadgets on happy trails,

An aspiring UL Backpacker

Three lucky winners this time around! Orange or Green, what shall it be? Is Blackberry still in business or did Apple buy them?

I have three eSeries 8 Cases to give away, which means there will be three winners today! Fill in the form if you want to keep your smartphone or iPod dry when out on the trail!

Read the Rules


And the Winners are #2 Oskar Ö., #21 Stefanie R. and #56 Warren S. - Congratulations! I will contact you via Email asap to get your new eSeries cases to you you!