Two solutions to my problem: We either make days 40 hours long, or eliminate the system of time completely. There's just not enough of it to get everything done in one day. Thus I take some time out, and leave this afternoon for a week of relaxing next to the Arctic Circle. After all, spring is here in the south thus I will go north to chase the cold and snow to get a few more nights under a tarp in, before summer and Phil and Steven arrive.

Mountains and ice.
I'll go to a cottage holiday with fiancée and her family, enjoying sauna, good food and day trips in Oulanka National Park. And as the fiancée and the parents in law are already used to me camping in the garden, I decided to take my MYOG tarp with me to give it a spin out in the snow. There's up to 80 cm of snow still up in Ruka, and the temperatures should be between -6°C and +3°C, thus I hope walking won't be like it was in Salamajärvi. There's a couple of articles going online next week, so you'll get your fix of Hendrik's ramblings =)
Enjoy the spring while I chase winter!

Mountains and ice.
I'll go to a cottage holiday with fiancée and her family, enjoying sauna, good food and day trips in Oulanka National Park. And as the fiancée and the parents in law are already used to me camping in the garden, I decided to take my MYOG tarp with me to give it a spin out in the snow. There's up to 80 cm of snow still up in Ruka, and the temperatures should be between -6°C and +3°C, thus I hope walking won't be like it was in Salamajärvi. There's a couple of articles going online next week, so you'll get your fix of Hendrik's ramblings =)
Enjoy the spring while I chase winter!