The last weekend of May will see six UL bloggers hiking together in Vålådalen, Sweden. Those six individuals are
- Jörgen and Martin from Fjäderlätt (their announcement), representing Sweden
- Roger from Nielsen Brown Outdoors representing Denmark
- Joe from Thunder In the Night (his announcement) hailing from Norway
- Gustav from The Bearable Lightness (his announcement) from Sweden
- and yours truly, representing Finland
This event has been in the making since autumn last year, and I believe it will be a superb gathering of ultralight enthusiasts and forerunners of the UL philosophy in Scandinavia. It is going to be wild with all the Gear Talk which will take place, learning skills while watching others over the shoulder, techniques will be discussed and compared, and a jolly good time will be had, I am sure. Mostly I look forward to meet the other five, learn from them about UL and life (I'm the youngest one =) and build friendships. I am certain that everyone has much knowledge in some area to show the others, be it how to use a wood burning stove in the fjell or what makes a warm yet light winter setup.
As a special treat, here is a link to our pack lists. As usual, many last minute orders are being made, so much is still work in progress, but it should be interesting nevertheless - who will be the lightest?