Dear Santa,
with my foray into climbing and mountaineering the needs from a backpack have changed a bit. See, in the mountains there's rocks, made of stone - granite, sandstone et al. Hard materials, which can be tough on materials. So for my Alpine & Mountaineering adventures, I reckon I'd be better off with a backpack which is made of slightly more durable materials than silnylon and cuben. Osprey makes some sweet backpacks, and their new Mutant 28 pack looks like it just made for what I had in mind. Light, enough space for a luxurious dayhike or a multiday alpine adventure, the pack can hold my ice axes, has two hydration hose exits, a floating lid with a lid pocket which can be completely removed and a mighty comfy backpanel as well as a superb compression system.
- An aspiring UL-Backpacker

Leave a photo of all the (climbing/ ice climbing/ mountaineering) gear you plan to carry in the Mutant 28 if you win it. The pack is a Size Medium - it be good coincidence if you're too!
Small update folks: You also can post a photo of the gear (not climbing/ mountaineering) you would use the pack with - this makes it hopefully more attractive to many of you =)
Suspension is killing you.
It kills you till Tuesday.
Excuse the delay in announcing the winners - I was out abroad and out of town till yesterday night.
And the winner is... Visa Jokelainen - Congratulations! Please contact me via Email, you got till tomorrow 15 o'clock to get in touch otherwise it goes to the second in line! Thanks everyone else, see you tomorrow at 6 AM!
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