Dear Santa,
Alcohol in winter just doesn't cut it. Half as efficient as butane gas and gasoline, it is high-time to put a liquid gas stove on my wish list. Browsing through the Bergfreunde website, I saw the Edelrid Opilio - at 170 gram one of the lightest gas stoves on the market. A nice big pan support gives even big pots in winter enough support, and its 3 kW output power means there's some serious power there to melt snow and boil water! 3 minutes for boiling a liter of water ain't shabby, and means I can eat and drink a hot cup of cacao a lot quicker. It'd be swell if you drop one of them in my stockings, because the 20+ minutes it takes my alcohol stove to make a bit of snow lukewarm just puts me closer to hypothermia then a warm meal.
- An aspiring UL-Backpacker

Leave a photo of you winter camping. Subscribe to the ULAZ Vimeo channel.
Suspension is killing you.
It kills you till Tuesday.
Excuse the delay in announcing the winner - I was abroad and out of town till yesterday night.
And the winner is... Eugeneius - Congratulations! Please contact me via Email, you got till tomorrow 15 o'clock to get in touch otherwise it goes to the second in line! Thanks everyone else, see you tomorrow at 6 AM!
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