Dear Santa,
I feel my backpack could need a bit more order. You see, while the enlightened beings recommend to pack your rucksack in the fluffy cloud style, I find the mess this creates terrible. Cuben stuff sacks weigh mere grams and allow me to pack my gear waterproof and tidy in my pack. How great is it that LITEMOUNTAINGEAR has some wonderful black cuben stuff sacks, which allow me to keep law and order in my backpack! Drop three of them in my stockings, will ya?
- An aspiring UL-Backpacker

Leave a photo with the various gear you plan to stuff in your new cuben stuff sacks!
Excuse the delay in announcing the winner - I was abroad and out of town till yesterday night.
And the winner is... Daniel Müller - Congratulations! Please contact me via Email, you got till tomorrow 15 o'clock to get in touch otherwise it goes to the second in line! Thanks everyone else, see you tomorrow at 6 AM!
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