There shall be swag.

Tendon swag, to be concrete. Tendon, they make those very fine climbing ropes I wrote about last week, and they were kind enough to send me three T-Shirts to raffle off to my awesome readers. As you can see above, three cool shirts, Size M, in a pleasant lime colour with a print on the front and back, wait for a new owner. How do you get one?
--> Leave a comment with a photo or a link to a photo of you climbing*.
That's all. On Sunday I will consult with Reinhold Messner to discuss who should get the shirts. I send everywhere on this globe, as well to the International Space Station, so everyone may take part. It is of benefit if you're a Size Medium, by the way. I will also throw in some cool stickers to you can plaster your helmet, drinking bottle or bike.
*Indoor, outdoor, bouldering, alpine, free solo, mountaineering are all accepted. Extra creative points for climbing on trees will be considered.

Tendon swag, to be concrete. Tendon, they make those very fine climbing ropes I wrote about last week, and they were kind enough to send me three T-Shirts to raffle off to my awesome readers. As you can see above, three cool shirts, Size M, in a pleasant lime colour with a print on the front and back, wait for a new owner. How do you get one?
--> Leave a comment with a photo or a link to a photo of you climbing*.
That's all. On Sunday I will consult with Reinhold Messner to discuss who should get the shirts. I send everywhere on this globe, as well to the International Space Station, so everyone may take part. It is of benefit if you're a Size Medium, by the way. I will also throw in some cool stickers to you can plaster your helmet, drinking bottle or bike.
*Indoor, outdoor, bouldering, alpine, free solo, mountaineering are all accepted. Extra creative points for climbing on trees will be considered.